Stress Hypnosis
July 22, 2023
Stress Hypnosis
July 22, 2023

The old world

In the past, people would go to their General Practitioner the moment they felt

physically or emotionally unwell. Most GP’s would inevitably prescribe some sort of medication. People revered their doctor’s opinion and would take the medication without question. They felt that they had no control over their ‘illness’ and therefore had no choice but to take the prescribed medication. This medication may or may

not assist with the symptoms but would certainly have some sort of nasty short or long-term side effects that often resembled the symptoms themselves

Many people would rather be medicated than acknowledge and deal with their real fears!

The new world

Nowadays, people have become increasingly more selective with the treatment they seek recognizing that they DO have choices, realizing that  

Prescription medication is not always the best option

Rather than using drugs to suppress our symptoms, we need to find the root causes of problems and eliminate the anxiety forever.

People are now deciding that they have had enough of living in this negative state and will do whatever it takes to be the master of their destiny, living the life they deserve. I have had the honor of witnessing many amazing transformations.

In this new world, the mind-body connection is undeniable and people are far more discerning about how they resolve issues involving their health. We now live in the Google era where people can find out almost anything very quickly without relying on the expertise of a Medical Practitioner. People are looking for alternatives; seeking therapists that can help them access their internal resources safely, naturally, and permanently.


Anxiety is simply our imagination gone wild. It is as simple as that!

Anxiety is imagining something going wrong that may NEVER EVER happen! By imagining a situation that is not real and may never happen we have misused a very powerful tool - our imagination.

Most of us have experienced anxiety in one form or another at some point in our lives. For many people, the anxiety is overcome and they get on with their lives. For others, anxiety can be debilitating and may even prevent them from undertaking seemingly routine activities such as going to work or holding conversations with other people.

How does Anxiety differ from Fear and Stress?

Our body thinks it's about to fight a bear...


When we are feeling anxious, our subconscious interprets this feeling as a 'danger about to happen' and prepares the body accordingly. Anxiety, Fear and Stress all release powerful neuro-chemicals (such as adrenalin) and hormones causing us to feel muscle tension, an increased heart rate and shortness of breath. These are a few of the physiological symptoms associated with a response to danger. These bodily changes occur due to an inborn ‘fight or flight response’ that is necessary for our survival.

In pre-historic times, the ‘fight or flight’ response was a key survival instinct. When our caveman ancestors were faced with a threatening bear, for instance, they had two main choices. He could fight the bear or he could run away. Either way, his body had to prepare for a quick response. The caveman's heart began to race, his breathing rate increased, his pupils dilated, his muscles became tense, and his mind processed information rapidly. This natural response to danger helped the cavemen to protect himself and to survive. This programming is still active in the brains of modern man. Without this stress response, our mind would not receive the alerting danger signal, and our bodies would be unable to prepare to flee or stay and battle when faced with danger.

When pressures seem threatening to us, our bodies react quickly to supply protection by providing us with the necessary adrenaline to take action whether the fear is perceived or real.

But...there are NO bears!

When we imagine something going wrong, the subconscious (or unconscious) mind produces sensations of fear to try to keep us safe in the imagined situation. It has no idea that the situation is not real and there are no bears!

I know that most of you are not worried about encountering bears but whatever it is that you are imagining going wrong, whether it’s failing an exam or meeting new people – the body is just receiving one signal ‘DANGER’!

We need to use our powerful imagination to help us effectively manage life's demands not hinder them.

We need to focus on what WE WANT, not on what we DON’T WANT.



In life, we get what we focus on. If we focus on something not turning out...Guess what? It won't! If we wake up in the morning and focus on how much we hate going to work - we will very likely have a terrible day at work as we will send out negative verbal and non-verbal signals. We bring back all the negativity that we project out. If we wake up in the morning and focus on having a productive day where we make the most of every opportunity - then that’s what will be projected back to us. It sounds simplistic, but it's true.

Therefore, if you focus on an event being completed successfully, then it is very likely that this is what will happen as you will be projecting all your positive energy towards the event working out as you want it to. You can decide to focus on your fear or your desire – the choice is yours.


Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

Qui Gon (Star Wars: Episode 1)

Change your focus and change your life.

Anxiety Hypnosis